Community Service is vital to our organization and defines who we are and what we do professionally. Norwood Consulting has been for over ten years a committed corporate citizen. "I give back in many ways. But the most important way in which I give back is by 'not giving back' at all. I benefit just as much, if not more than those receiving. To utter the words 'give back' has a tone that people less fortunate are somehow 'different from other people'. I refuse to accept that premise. I simply do what I am compelled to do because I need to. ", states Christopher Norwood, Principal of Norwood Consulting, Inc.
Board Memberships
Miami Dade County Public Schools Audit and Budget Advisory Board (Member)
Our Little Ones Head Start Learning Center (Board Member)
Miami Dade County Public Schools Student Services Advisory Board (Chairman)
Miami Dade County Public Schools M/WBE Advisory Board (Former Member)
Charlee Homes For Children (Former Member)
South Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America (Executive Board, Former)
Florida Memorial University's Social Work Program Advisory Board (Founding Board Member)
Florida Council on the Social Status of Black Men & Boys (Former Member & Past Chairman)